Monday, January 13, 2014

The Long Wait for Baby Daniel

We got home from our trip in Southern California Christmas day, which gave us 2 full days to prep for my scheduled c-section. Day 1 was kind of a surprise for us, or at least for me. I know Justin wanted to trade in his car before he left for his next part of training, but I didn't think we'd have the time to do it. Plus, I was more focused on making sure we had everything for the baby ready and packing up some of our apartment.

We went out a couple hours before my last doctor's appointment to look at a couple cars we were interested in. Let's just say our day started at 10am with a Toyota dealership, with a break to go see my doctor and lunch, and leaving the same dealership with a new Rav4 at 4pm. It was a very long day, and JD was so good the entire time. We traded in Justin's Kia Soul, and we are now leasing our brand new Rav4. I'd go into the reasons why we're leasing, but let's just get to Baby Danny.

But first, the last day before we added baby #2, I felt like we didn't do a whole bunch. My family came over Friday evening, and we had a little Christmas celebration and got to open some more presents. It worked out perfectly since we planned for them to watch JD while we were at the hospital the next few days.

SATURDAY - Welcoming Baby Daniel

That was a very long day... My scheduled c-section was at 11am, and we checked in at 8:30am. I wasn't allowed to eat anything after midnight the night before and I was starting to get hungry by 10:30. Had I known that I was going to have to wait all day to meet my baby, I would've had another feast at 11:30 the night before. It took a while for them to prep my room, and we didn't get in until 9:30am. Luckily, it was a private room, and when asked how we got the "VIP" room, I explained it could've been the bishop in our ward who knew someone there, or the fact that we had Army insurance. We didn't really know, but I was grateful nonetheless.

When we got into the room, the nurse told us that they had delayed my surgery until 1pm, and we were ok with that. Justin and I waited in the room and watched a couple of the new episodes of Bones on Netflix to pass the time. As 1 o'clock started to roll around, we both were getting excited and the anesthesiologist came in to prep me on what to expect with the drugs he was going to give me. The nurse came in soon after he did and told me that she was going to start some medication through my IV.

We were pretty close to 1 when the nurse came back and apologized that there was an emergency with one of the pregnancies and needed the operating room for an unplanned c-section. We were pretty bummed, but we understood since that happened to me the first time with JD. I was going to be pushed back a little bit longer.

I was starving for the next couple hours and no word on what was going to happen to me. Justin's parents came in and brought him food, and Justin ate in front of me... What a nice husband... (not). With no food and no movement, I was getting tired and ready to meet my baby.

Finally close to 4 they said they were ready for me to go in! I was so excited and ready to go. I put on my hair net and waited anxiously. Then, the nurse came back in and apologized again... the doctor had to go to another hospital that was 5 minutes away to deliver another baby. It was frustrating... but that's what happens when you're not in labor or an emergency. I was about ready to be an emergency though! Kelly had asked the nurse why they weren't able to do the surgery before. They had enough operating rooms, but not enough "crew members" for each room.

Just before 5:30 they came in and told me that they were finally ready for me, and it seemed as if they were rushing me to the operating room before anything else got in my way. They wouldn't let Justin go into the operating room for the first 30 minutes since they had to do some prep work. The operating room was cold and I was getting nervous about the shot the anesthesiologist was going to give me and the operation itself, I was shaking for a long time. The anesthesiologist was actually a funny guy, and kept trying to keep my mind off what was going to be happening to me. The spinal shot thing hurt like hell and I was starting to get even more nervous. They piled on warm blankets on me, but I was still shaking.

They pulled out the big sheet that covers my neck and below, and then Justin finally walked into the room. The anesthesiologist warned me about two things that women hate about the anesthesia.... They hate that they can't feel anything, especially their legs, and the pushing and pulling that happens. I remember the anesthesiologist asking me how I was doing, and I remember responding that I was ok and didn't want to know if they had already cut me open or not. Justin wasn't helpful once I said that, and reminded me that they had cut me open like a fish. A couple seconds letter, I saw this shadow over me and a lot of pushing and pulling. It was the weirdest feeling in the world, especially because it was probably suppose to hurt and it didn't. (I later found out from Justin that one of the guys in the operating room had gotten on top of the table to help get the baby out).

The anesthesiologist kind of gave me a play by play towards the end... He told me the baby had a lot of hair, then he saw the baby's butt, and soon after that that the baby was out. That's when I heard my baby cry and I was relieved that part was over. I remember looking over at Justin and was glad he was by my side the entire time. The anesthesiologist gave me something else and told me that it was going to make me woozy. It did, and I was out for the rest of the operation.

Daniel Gordon was born at 5:56pm
weighing 6 lbs 13.5 ounces
with a height of 18.5 inches

I didn't even see my baby as soon as he came out, and neither did Justin. I was actually really sad about that. I remember waking up and it was almost 7pm. I was so tired and I knew that our family was going to be there to see us. I wanted to meet our baby, but I also told JD that I was going to see him that afternoon, and I was trying so hard to wake up so I could see him and let him know that even though there was a new addition to the family, I wanted to make sure he knew that I still loved him.

JD was so happy to meet Danny. I didn't see JD, but I ended up being ok with it since there was nothing I could do, and I was so excited to finally meet baby Danny. I kept trying to remember what JD looked like when he was born when I first met him and at first I didn't think they did. Eventually I started to see the same similarities. I was so in love with him and excited to have a baby again!

I forgot how much newborns sleep, and was surprised at how well he slept on his own in the hospital crib. I remember JD crying whenever he wasn't being held, not to say that Danny doesn't love to cuddle, he's just content with being swaddled once he's asleep.

We left the hospital Monday night, and Danny slept almost the whole night. He only woke up to be fed, but would always go right back to sleep. He slept with us in bed the whole night but gradually slept in his crib all night within the next couple of days. He's such a sweet and perfect baby. He only cries when he's hungry, taking a bath or getting his diaper changed. So far, Danny is easier than JD, and JD was a good baby too. He's a great sleeper, especially at night and I love him for that!

I have recovered so much quicker than the first c-section. The nurse had me walking from my bed to the bathroom and back less than 12 hours after the surgery. I'm still in some pain, but with some help from pain meds it's like I never had surgery... sort of. Overall, I feel pretty good and am happy with the way everything turned out. Justin was able to be with the baby for almost a week before he left  for his next phase of training.

JD had a hard time with his brother at first since he was pretty sick. While Grammy and Gramps were helping us pack some stuff in our apartment, he was in a pretty bad mood and would tell us where he wanted Danny to go so he could be with the person who was currently holding Danny. It was funny, but I felt bad for him since he was sick and it was a new change for him. Once he got better a couple days later he started to warm up to his brother and now loves having him around. He asks to hold him, gives him hugs and kisses, pats him to comfort him, and will rush over to see his brother. I love how excited JD gets to see Danny and he has been a great older brother. I love our family of four and can't wait to see how much fun JD and Danny will have when they get older. For now, I'm loving this sweet little newborn.

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