Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Danny at 3 Weeks

Danny is becoming more alert more and more each day, and sometimes not so happy. Just after he turned 2 weeks old, he was circumcised and as you can imagine, there was really no reason to be happy for a while. It was rough the first couple of days, but as the week progressed he started to get back into his routine. The first night, like I imagined, was rough. He was up for a while, and hated his diaper changes.

He had his first mini road trip to visit Justin on his "3 week birthday," and he did really well. He does really well in the car most of the time, and will sleep through trips as long as he doesn't need to be fed.

I like the newborn phase because all they do is eat, sleep, and poop... although Danny is starting to phase out of that. Danny still continues to be a great sleeper at night and there are few nights where he will be awake for a while after he eats. JD is still loving his little brother, and still has yet to show signs of jealousy... I'm waiting for it to pop up, but grateful that it hasn't yet.

Not having Justin around to help in the middle of the night to help feed/take care of Danny is hard, but I'm grateful that my mom is willing to help at night and let me go to sleep early while she watches and feeds him before she goes to bed. I don't know what I would do without her help, and am grateful they are letting us stay here while we wait to move in with Justin.


1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of them looking at each other. Such a cute bunch!
