Sunday, November 24, 2013

October Birthdays!

This is a super late post....

My dad and mother-in-law, Kelly, have back to back birthdays! Kelly's birthday is the day before Halloween, and my dad's is on Halloween. So, since both of their birthdays were in the middle of the week, we celebrated on different Saturdays.

My parents were coming to Modesto for the weekend, so we celebrated his birthday the Saturday before Halloween. We didn't do much celebrating during the day, since they were there to help me out with different things, but we did have a birthday dinner. After Justin and I introduced him one weekend to Dickey's BBQ, he asked to go back for his birthday... I was not complaining. Afterwards, we celebrated back at our place with cupcakes that JD helped "decorate"... although he basically had me hold his hand while he frosted the cupcakes. He had been asking to eat one all day, and finally had his chance. Can you see how excited he is to eat one???

The following Saturday, we headed up to the bay area to celebrate Kelly's birthday. We went to the California Academy of Sciences, and it was pretty cool to see it after the remodel. JD, on the other hand, probably would've been a better sport if he hadn't gone to bed at 12:30am the night before... Since we spent the night at Kelly and Gerry's, I think JD was too excited to go to sleep. JD loved the rainforest exhibit, and got super excited when the butterflies got super close to him. He and Kelly would stick out their fingers to see if a butterfly would land on them. They never did, but whenever they'd get close, JD would flinch back a little but had a huge smile on his face.

After we went through the rainforest exhibit and saw all the butterflies, JD was pretty much done. We had only been there 20 minutes, and then the craziness kicked in. He didn't want to see the fish, although he was brave enough to touch the starfish, and had fun with that for a few minutes. Eventually, eating goldfish while looking at the fish helped calm him down for a little bit.

JD was even brave enough to touch the starfish. He loved it, especially when he figured out he could splash the water... then I had to take him away... 

I wish we could've stayed longer, but JD had already had it, and it was pretty much past lunch time by the time we got out. We headed over to the Stinking Rose, had lunch there, and came back home and had delicious cupcakes from Sweet Affair.

JD had fun celebrating Grandpa and Grammy's birthday!

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