Wednesday, August 1, 2012

JD is 18 months

Our baby is coming out of the baby stage. This is mainly a post for me to remember what he's been up to lately. He is always curious, loves to destroy things, and especially loves throwing the ball and toys, sometimes at people.... Here are some other things JD has been doing lately.

Started walking at 14 months
Waves Hi
Folds his arms
Puts his finger up to his mouth to do the “sh” sign.
Claps his hands
Loves to dance to music
Grabs your hand and pulls you to where he wants to you go
Points his finger a lot
Grins when you grin
Coughs when you cough
Tries to mimic you when he’s in a good mood
Loves piggy-back rides/horsey rides on your back
Copies his cousins
Loves his blankies and cannot sleep without them
Has 10 or more teeth, and even has a few molars

JD’s words:
Hi – he even says hi to people walking by
Dad (occasionally)

We love you JD!

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