Friday, April 27, 2012

A Busy Saturday

JD and I had quite the busy Saturday last week. So busy, in fact, that JD only had a 30 minutes nap for the entire day, poor kid. He did pretty well for the day though, aside from the long drive down to Modesto towards the very end. Here's how it went down.

Saturday morning, we headed over to see my sister in San Francisco. We wanted to do something outdoors since my dad was working on my grandma's house that day, and didn't want Connie, or the rest of us in the house (since that's where she is currently staying). Plus, it was a beautiful day, and we couldn't pass up the opportunity!

We decided to go to the old windmill (I can't ever remember what it's really called) next to the beach/cliff house.

Afterwards, we came back home, and got ready to go to Modesto to see the game with the McKissick side, and mainly to see Justin at work. Since he is an employee there, we not only get free parking because we are "on a list" (not really... we just say that Justin is an employee there), we get some nice seats. If only he worked for a major league baseball team...

We got to see Justin running around on the field with the mascots throwing T-shirts, and lame races. Justin's proudest moment, however, was doing the "drag" on the field.



Life is definitely busier in California than it is in Rexburg, Idaho. It's weird to actually have things planned on the weekends again, but I like it! It keeps me entertained while Justin is away at work. 

In case anyone was wondering about Justin's internship - he loves it so far. He is definitely busy at what he does, but he enjoys every minute of it!

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