Monday, February 6, 2012

Last Date Night...

...For the next little while at least. Our neighbors were kind enough to watch JD again (have I mentioned how awesome they are before? They watch JD when we go to classes, and when we need a date night).

We had a lot of fun. We first went to the temple and did sealings, which I thought was awesome. It's a nice little change up and it happened to be a great experience for the both of us. Right after we went to the temple, we went to go snowboarding/skiing. The last time we went to a Skiing resort was 2 years ago, and I tried snowboarding. I wasn't very good at it, and I wanted to see what it was like to go skiing again since I hadn't done it since I was in middle school.

Turns out, I just suck at EVERY sport. I did fairly well getting off the lift, however, 20 feet after going down a STEEP slope, I crashed into a snowboarder. I did warn him right before I hit him by saying "SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!!" ::CRASH:: I clipped him right between his legs with one of my skis, and lost the other. I felt awful. He was very nice about it though. He did mention that he used to crash into people all the time when he first started out.... this wasn't my first time. :(

I learned the reason as to why I suck at snowboarding and skiing... I'm a big whimp, and I'm not afraid to admit it! I hate going down fast because I'm afraid of crashing hardcore. (Yes, I am that much of a girl...) I only went down once, while Justin went down twice. He went before I did because I needed to go to the bathroom. Fortunately, the price for snowboarding/skiing there is very cheap, thanks to being BYU-I students.

After a little run, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and enjoyed ourselves with some tasty wings and huckleberry lemonade! It was wonderful. It was a good last date!

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